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cf3: in-person coffee chat!

  • 11 Apr 2022
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)
  • address provided upon RSVP

Hello from cf3!

We’ve missed all of you and are happy to be back up and running!

Please join us for our first ‘in person’ Coffee Chat in 2 ½ years! We are excited to get back to our midcentury roots and get a behind the scenes peek at a classic Cincinnati midcentury ranch that has been respected and celebrated by its current owner, Bobby Reno. Bobby’s proclivity for vintage design, objects and furnishings is a real blast from the past!

Saturday, April 30 10:00-12:00 noon.

Here’s a note from the homeowner:

Cincinnati has been my home since 1986 after growing up in Denver. Nine and a half years ago I became the current caretaker of this 1956 rambling ranch in Amberley Village. I had started appreciating mid-century modern design a few years earlier, so when I found this house that no one seemed to want because of its originality and questionable decorating choices, I felt like I had hit the jackpot. I continue, slowly, to restore what I can and to mindfully improve or replace when necessary. It is a work in progress and I look forward to hearing any ideas that might be shared with me during your visit. My doggos, Riley and Baron, and I can’t wait to see you all in person!

We hope you can join us for what looks to be a fun morning.

Registration opens Friday, April 8th at 9AM and is limited to 30 members and guests. Please RSVP by Wednesday, April 27th.

cf3, Cincinnati Ohio.
cf3 form follows function is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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